Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Premiile NARPA 2011

Weekendul trecut a avut loc la Chicago a 2-a editie a Forumului Presei Romanesti din Statele Unite si Canada. La eveniment au participat atat jurnalisti din mass media romaneasca locala cat si din New York, Florida, Detroit, Massachusetts si Canada. Printre invitatii speciali la eveniment s-a aflat si fostul ambasador american in Romania James Rosapepe, scriitoarea americana Sharon Rushton si jurnalista/scriitoarea Sheilah Kast.
Pe langa discutiile legate de activitatea asociatiei si rolul mass mediei romanesti din SUA si Canada, jurnalistii prezenti au avut parte de festivitatea de premiere a celor mai bune articole din mass media romaneasca nord americana.
In concurs au participat 46 de materiale din mass media scrisa si audio/radio.
Juriul format din: Daniele SOROS - Romanian Global News - Presedinte juriu, Simona CONSTANTIN - Radio Romania International - Vice presedinte juriu, dr. Cristian IVANES - Radio Cluj -  Vice presedinte juriu, Laura BANDILA - Radio Romania Cultural, Adrian NOVAC – HotNews, au decis urmatorii castigatori:

Sectiunea REPORTAJ:
Locul 1:
Adrian Ardelean - Romanul care nu a fost niciodata in Romania, Ziarul ZigZag Roman Canadian, Canada Prima pagina,
A doua pagina

Locul 2:
Dan Micu - Pe urmele primilor crestini in Tara Sfanta, Ziarul Acasa, Canada Prima pagina, A doua pagina

Locul 3:
Laetitia Militaru - "Macii albastri din Gaspesie", Ziarul ZigZag Roman Canadian, Canada

Cristina Sofronie & Razvan Dupleac - "CIA si experimentul de spalare pe creier facut pe pacientii canadieni", Ziarul ZigZag Roman Canadiandin Canada Prima pagina,     A doua pagina
Sectiunea INTERVIU:
Locul 1:
Marian Petruta -  "In dialog cu directorul FBI Chicago", Ziarul Gandacul de Colorado, SUA Prima pagina
 si A doua pagina
Locul 2:
Dan Micu - Gerry Avram alergatorul de cursa lunga, Ziarul Acasa, Canada

Locul 3:
Cristina Sofronia si Adrian Ardelean - Interviu cu violonistul Carmen Piculeata, Ziarul ZigZag Roman Canadian, Canada
Materiale difuzate la Radio Diaspora Online si Radio Timisoara (Emisiunea Romanii de peste mari si tari)
Locul 1:
Tudor Petrut - Intoarcerea acasa, Radio Diaspora, SUA
Locul 2:
Marian Petruta - Interviu Artista Adriana Oancea, Radio Diaspora, SUA
Locul 3:
Sebastian Rus - Interviu Camelia Rosca, Radio Diaspora, SUA

Monday, June 20, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Criteriul de evaluare

 Dorim sa va multumim pentru interesul manifestat in a face parte din acest juriu care va  analizarea aceste materiale din mass media romaneasca din SUA si Canada.

Juriul este format din urmatoarele persoane:

Daniele SOROS - Romanian Global News-Presedinte juriu
Simona CONSTANTIN- Radio Romania International-Vice presedinte juriu
Cristian IVANES - Radio Cluj- Vice presedinte juriu
Laura BANDILA -Radio Romania Cultural
Adrian NOVAC - HotNews

 Materialele trebuiesc evaluate in functie de urmatoarele criterii:

1. Stil

      2. Limbaj

3. Gramatica

4. Impact

Notarea se face  pentru fiecare material in parte cu note de la 1 (nota minima) la 10 (nota maxima, cea mai buna) .  La final se aduna notele la cele 4 criterii( stil, limbaj, gramatica, impact)i si se face punctajul final pentru fiecare articol in parte.
La final cand sunteti gata cu evaluarea o sa va rog sa trimiteti o copie cu rezultatele  la presedinte si vice presedintele juriului, a caror adrese de email o sa le primiti in curand prin email.

Va rugam sa fiti cat se poate de obiectivi in notare, tinand cont de continut si mai putin de numele autorului sau publicatiei.
Daca aveti intrebari nu ezitati sa  ne scrieti pe adresa contact (@) narpa(.)info

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Silvia Jinga -"O imagine a tranzitiei romanesti" ziarul Curentul International Michigan
Marius Petraru -" The King Carol II' Exile in Mexico and His Piligrim's Guise to USA in 1942" ziarul Miorita USA, din California

Amelia Avram -"Dracula is dead" ziarul Miorita USA, din California

Marian Costache - "Romanii din Montreal si Campul Romanesc de la Hamilton" ziarul Zig Zag din Canada

Adrian Ardelean-" Biserica din St. Hubert- innobilata cu moaste ale Sf. Gheorghe" ziarul Zig Zag din Canada

Nicholas Buda -"Bustul poetului Mihail Eminescu a trecut Atlanticul, ajungand la New York" ziarul Gandacul de Colorado, USA
Nicholas Buda - "Din istoria nestiuta a New Yorkului: Romany Marie-un suflet romanesc al boemei americane" ziarul Gandacul de Colorado, USA

Monday, May 30, 2011


Materiale audio difuzate la Radio Diaspora Online, Radio Timisoara sau pe blogul RoUSA.blogspot.com

Tudor Petrut - Doris, o americanca cu origini romanesti

Vasile Muresan - Interviu cu pictorul Alexandru Darida la Chicago

Sebastian Rus - Interviu cu liderul Boston Romanian Professionals

Sebastian Rus- Interviu cu Liliana Lenco coordonatoarea targului ARNE

Sebastian Rus - Interviu cu Camelia Rosca

Tudor Petrut - Intoarcerea Acasa-minutul de Hollywood

Tudor Petrut - Urma de la Los Angeles

Marian Petruta - Banateanul Dorel Fort duce mai departe traditia si muzica populara la Chicago

Marian Petruta - Artista Adriana Oancia vinde  picturi pentru Oprah si Trump

Marian Petruta - Politetea noastra vs. politetea lor

Friday, May 27, 2011


Corneliu Florea - "Imagini si reflectii din Romania" ziarul Curentul International, Michigan


Steven Bonica: UNDE DRAGOSTE NU E, NIMIC NU E!- ziarul Romanian Tribune, Chicago

Cu ce sa incep? Cred ca mesajul acestui editorial imi este deja transmis intr-o buna masura doar de titlu, lasand loc doar unei intrebari in dreptul fiecaruia: “am, sau ... n-am?”

Desigur ca tumultul evenimentelor ultimelor luni, in special al ultimelor zile, m-au determinat sa scriu in editia de fata despre oamenii si lumea din jurul meu, cea care ma influenteaza mai tare in deciziile pe care le iau. 

Am trecut printr-o perioada mult mai aglomerata si totodata mult mai dificila decat eram obisnuit. Si, nu pot spune ca am scapat cu totul de dificultatile coplesitoare - desi mi-as dori sa fie asa, insa am prins din nou o doza proaspata de curaj si entuziasm, fapt ce ma aduce iar in fata unora dintre dumneavoastra cu un sentiment de recunostinta si multumire pentru sprijin si incurajari.

Stiu ca toti trecem deopotriva prin criza economica mondiala si nici unul dintre noi nu este scutit de a-i simti efectul. Totusi, unele lucruri nu trebuiesc abandonate sau lasate sa moara doar pentru ca ne este mai usor si mai ieftin a le lasa condamnate uitarii si lipsei de apreciere. Nici un bun agricultor nu-si abandoneaza tarina daca nu-i da roadele asteptate ci se ingrijeste ca aceasta sa devina mai buna si nu isi pierde nadejdea niciodata. Desigur ca exemplul acesta nu este cea mai buna comparatie cu situatia ziarului de fata si a schiopatarii noastre in publicarea lui, insa pentru mine este la fel de greu sa renunt la publicarea ziarului ca pentru un agricultor caruia i-ar spune vecinii si prietenii sa renunte la pamantul sau dupa ani de munca asidua.

Daca in vremuri economice mult mai bune am reusit sa distribuim ziarul Romanian Tribune pentru mai bine de sapte ani fara intarziere cu regularitate in peste 28 de state gratuit, acest lucru a fost posibil datorita generozitatii unor oameni de afaceri ce si-au publicat anunturile publicitare in ziar. Odata ce economia americii a inceput s-o ia la vale, multi dintre acesti suporteri au luat decizia de a-si retrage rand pe rand reclama din ziar, ajungand in cele din urma sa avem insuficiente anunturi pentru a suporta cheltuielile de tipar. Pentru a mai reduce cheltuielile, dupa ce am redus personalul redactiei impotriva sentimentelor mele de apreciere pentru colegii mei si munca ce au depus-o, in primavara trecuta am schimbat si formatul ziarului avand o pagina redusa si consum de hartie mai mic. Totusi, aceste schimbari nu au fost suficiente pentru a acoperi cheltuielile mai ales ca in loc sa atragem noi clienti am mai pierdut pe cate unii care fie ca s-au retras din business, fie ca si-au redus mai tare costurile administrative.

Astfel am fost siliti sa apelam din nou la prieteni si la amabilitatea lor solicitandu-le participarea la o cina de gala in scopul strangerii de fonduri pentru resuscitarea ziarului. Nu am cuvinte sa le multumesc fiecaruia indeajuns pentru intelegerea lor si pentru dragostea cu care au raspuns.

De fapt, daca ar fi sa privim la numarul cititorilor care au beneficiat in mod gratuit de-a lungul anilor de acest ziar si daca doar a zecea parte ar fi calauziti de un simt al responsabilitatii si aprecierii, situatia ar fi cu totul alta. Am putea avea cate un eveniment de sustinere in fiecare luna la care sa participe cate 60 - 70 de suporteri  amabili si moderat generosi - ale caror contributii nu ar trebui sa fie in cifre de cate trei numere, si tot ar fi suficient pentru a sustine nu doar acest ziar ci si mentinerea centrului cultural si al bibliotecii din cadrul micului complex Romanian Heritage Center.

Trebuie sa va marturisec faptul ca sentimentele imi sunt mixte dupa 15 ani de preocupare intensa in mod exclusiv in comunitatea romaneasca, nu pentru ca limba m-ar fi limitat ci pentru ca dupa 11 ani de trait in SUA am hotarat sa fac acest lucru deoarece am vazut multe alte comunitati etnice mult mai unite si mult mai bine expuse in fata autoritatilor americane si a cetatenilor acestei tari. Oarecum am satisfactia ca nu suntem azi la nivelul la care am fost acum 15 ani si ca aproape toate organizatiile si bisericile romanesti din aceasta metropola au progresat si au ajuns mai bine cunoscute si apreciate. Pe de alta parte sunt deseori coplesit de un sentiment greu de descris care provinde dintr-o analiza simpla si a numarului extrem de limitat al celor ce stiu sa puna umarul si sa-si ofere sprijinul si chiar o fac deseori cu multa dragoste - doar pentru a contribui la o viata social-culturala in comunitatea romaneasca din aceasta metropola care sa fie la nivelul societatii americane in care traim. Sunt ingrijorat de balcanismele, negativismul, barfa si invidia ce calauzesc mintile si inimile prea multor romani - contrar oricaror principii crestinesti, toate acestea contribuind la delasarea multor suflete bine intentionate si la descurajarea a multor actiuni si eforturi care ne-ar da un mai mare prestigiu ca si comunitate si i-ar putea face mai mandri pe copiii nostri ca sunt de origine romana.

Ziarul Romanian Tribune este doar unul dintre multele proiecte si eforturi ce s-a dorit si continua sa fie un liant unificator comunicativ ce ofera informatii incurajatoare (nadajduim - in cea mai mare parte), fara a face diferenta intre membrii comunitatii romanesti, nici din punct de vedere al apartenentei religioase si nici cu prejudecati legate de provenienta regionala sau teritoriala. Tocmai de aceea nu ma sfiesc a mai apela din nou la dumneavoastra, iubiti romani ce cititi acest ziar, sa nu va simtiti ca nu ar fi nevoie de sprijinul dumneavoastra. Ba dimpotriva! Va asteptam sa ne aratati putina dragoste si apreciere.

Sebastian Doreanu -"Leptinotarsa Decemlieneata, C" ziarul Gandacul de Colorado

Madalina Corina Diaconu -"Ne vindem istoria cu 20 de lei biletul" ziarul Gandacul de Colorado, USA
Grigore Culian - ""Mineriada" la ICR New York de ziua lui Emil Cioran ! ziarul New York Magazin
Grigore Culian - "Cand "piticii" polueaza (si) muzica de jazz..." ziarul New York Magazin
Mihai Manolache -"Tema de success" ziarul Acasa din Toronto, Canada
Mihai Manolache -"Comunitatea ideilor fixe" ziarul Acasa din Toronto, Canada


Romanian Tribune: Interview with Ms. Elaine Marshall, Secretary of State of North Carolina, candidate for the U. S. Senate - great friend of Romanians and Moldovans!

Romanian  Tribune: Ms. Marshall, first of all I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this interview with you and reveal certain important aspects about your personal attachment to the Romanians and Moldovans living in the State of North Carolina. During my first, and unfortunately too brief visit to Moldova, your name was often mentioned by many people there because - as much as I was able to conclude, you are one of the few out of state individuals who is so connected, interested,  and passionate about the lives of the people of Eastern Europe, especially in Moldova and Romania.
Why is it that the state of North Carolina is mentioned so often when people talk about the United States?

Elaine Marshall:  Thank you for the opportunity to talk about one of my very favorite topics. Indeed, I had visited Moldova about five or six times, in the course of the past 10 years.  It is my great honor to be the North Carolina co-chair of the bilateral relationship that the State of North Carolina has with the Republic of Moldova. In addition to the multiple visits I made there we have hosted a large number of delegations. Some of them have been governmental, some of them have been in the private sector, others have been international, and it would be my great opportunity to facilitate a lot of activities between Moldova and the citizens of America but particularly North Carolina.

Romanian Tribune: When did this relationship begin?

E. Marshall:  The first relationship began in 1999 when governor Hurt and president Lucinschi signed the first agreement. But the relationship is actually older than that because the North Carolina National Guard and the Department of Defense of the Republic of Moldova have worked together for many years prior to the official signing in connection with military preparedness, civil preparedness and a study of supplementing governmental forces with military forces when there is an emergency such as a drought, or a serious weather condition.

Foto by Steven V. Bonica: Hon. Elaine Marshall surrounded by friends.
From left to right: Maria Magdalena Simonca and her father Florin Pindic Blaj - Honorary Consul of Republic of Moldova in North Carolina, together with H.E. Iurie Leanca (Moldovan Foreign Affairs Minister) and General William E. Ingram of N.C. National Guard

Romanian  Tribune: I visited North Carolina many times, because I’m connected with the Little Samaritan Mission and the Honorary Consul of Moldova, Mr. Florin PindicBlaj, a mutual friend of ours. Could you please tell me what is the connection between you and this organization?

E. Marshall:  One of the “glues” that holds the organization together and the communication together is Florin PindicBlaj, who lives in North Carolina, primarily, and has been a great asset for everyone involved in the partnership based upon his knowledge of people, needs and custom processes.  He is very much a match maker and a facilitator for these wonderful activities.

Romanian  Tribune: Ms. Marshall, I know that when you visited Moldova about 5-6 times, as you mentioned, you visited the highest ranking officials such as the president and you are familiar with protocol, but what was one thing which impressed you or was most touching to you that you can still remember - a special memory from your visits to Moldova.

E. Marshall: I have many interesting memories certainly visiting the Little Samaritan Mission in Chisinau. The faces of the young people, seeing them perform joyfully and then as I visited repeatedly to see them grow and develop into young adults; it is very rewarding.
In Zimbresti, the Hospice that was developed for the residents, with the physicians and the care-takers there and the hospice associations of North Carolina have all been quite rewarding.
When you walk into a small village and over the door you see the sign that says “Thanks to Carolina de Nord” it makes your heart very warm. It is exciting to know that we’ve been operating together and things have happened that gave better lives to people as they lived and as someone attends to their medical needs. 

Romanian Tribune:
I know there have been many medical teams, as well as social-cultural groups that visited Moldova from your state. Numerous volunteers that are continuosly going from North Carolina to Moldova and of course artists and others come to North Carolina from Moldova. Did you ever envision 10-11 years ago that from these small seeds, this bilateral committee agreement which was created, with your significant contribution,  would develop in such a way? And just recently, after this partnership was signed again for the next 5 years during the Modovan Prime-minister Vlad Filat’s visit in Raleigh, N.C. the Moldovan delegation continued their U.S. visit in Washington D.C. to meet with the Vicepresident Joe Biden and with the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. All the results and the assistance resulted,  did you imagine that your continuous friendship will develop to such an extent?

E. Marshall: I certainly had hoped that it would, and I am just quite pleased that Moldova has been so honored by the Millennium Challenge Corporation for the preliminary grants and now the first grant for highways and upgrading irrigation systems so that farms can be more productive, so that people can receive a better income. I did not imagine in my wildest dreams anything like that, I’ve hoped that there would be more visits and music, jazz performances and similar events that I have enjoyed most in Moldova and in North Carolina and I had hoped that the humanitarian aid would be very worthwhile as it has turned out to be, but to now have the grant that will build a highway to take Moldovan products easier to markets and also to have the infrastructure of the irrigation upgrades to make farmers more productive, those have been beyond my wildest dreams.  

Romanian Tribune: Ms. Marshall, you have served as Secretary of State for North Carolina for how many years now?

E. Marshall: I was first sworn in as the Secretary of State in January of 1997.

Romanian Tribune: By profession you were a teacher?

E. Marshall: I was a teacher early on and then I became a lawyer about 10 years later.

Romanian Tribune: Well, it seems like you have been and will always remain a teacher; you will continue to teach many people great values by your personal life examples and your direct involvement in making life better for the less fortunate. However, what determined you to join the race to become a secretary of state?

E. Marshall: It was all about giving my best for public service. I think it is a very rewarding activity when you can be a problem solver for many people and businesses, so that they can fulfill their dreams. If they are entrepreneurs and they are starting a business they can feasibly and appropriately start a business, get financing and sell their products: Perhaps, innovate and create new products that make people’s lives better; that’s very rewarding.   

Romanian Tribune:
We know that you have been very successful and you have a great team of people. We had the privilege to meet some of your aids at the ceremony of signing the bilateral committee memorandum in Raleigh. As the Secretary of State, what is the most stressful part of your job during the year?

E. Marshall:
I would say, as far as processes are concerned, right now a lot of the reports that are due by the businesses in North Carolina or in connection with tax returns, the April 15th deadline, which is right around the corner. This time creates a high volume of work for us, so it is very stressful. On the other hand I think the most stressful aspect of my job has to do with a lot of law enforcement that we do. The office has the law enforcement authority over financial scams and people that sell shady merchandise that pretend to be some brand name products when in reality it is counterfeit. But when I see people spending their money on fake products, it is very disappointing to me. Sometimes state products have safety and health issues, since they are made with contaminated materials they may not have the strength and the ability of an intellectual product. Sometimes certain products have very inadequate wiring and insulation and this is very much a hazard. Some of the chemical products that are made with contaminated materials are also generating health and safety problems. When we get into investment and financial activities we see a lot of people who worked very hard their whole life and they save for their retirement and we have scam artists who try to trick these people into giving their money away as if they were facing very good investments when in fact they are part of a scheme. We try very hard to get the people’s money back. Sometimes it is very difficult because it’s been wasted. So, when people have worked hard their whole lifetime and have earned and saved that is one of the most stressful things to me is to try to get their money back.

Romanian  Tribune: I know North Carolina is very beautiful for everyone visiting. Why do you think North Carolina attracted so many businesses and it is not only a great place for retirement but a dream state to live in?

E. Marshall: There are multiple reasons. Number one, it is very pretty. As you have suggested it’s a very green state and from anywhere within 3-4 hours you can either be at the coast or in the mountains. So both of those are quite nice. But when you are thinking about other things, we have a very moderate temperature, we do not have very harsh winters at all.   What is really important is that we have many institutions of higher education that are doing research whether it is in medicine, other life sciences, or technology. We are a pharmaceutical state; we are a financial services state. So we have a lot of good jobs here,  that support the universities and that support economic research. We have a quality education system in this state and we have a fantastic community college system where workers can be trained for specific industries which are very helpful and we are one of the top five on most lists as the best health care. We are one of the top five as far as a favorable business environment is concerned, and my job as Secretary of State is a part of that and a part of creating a good business climate because we are efficient and we are transparent and we are helpful. For several years North Carolina has been ranked as the best place in the whole country to start a business. We are a prime state to extract business opportunities in addition to the many golf courses that are appealing to retirees and other recreational activities that are available.

Romanian Tribune: Yes, I wish I could say that North Carolina is most attracting to the Romanians and Moldovans, but reports indicate that it seems like the Latino population is most attracted to North Carolina.

Elaine Marshall: That’s correct. We are in competition with other states like California and Arizona. But clearly on the East coast, North Carolina and Georgia have both experienced a growth in the Latino population. 

Romanian Tribune: So, people from North Carolina are very familiar with immigrants and their integration into the daily life of their communities. 

E.Marshall: Having many cultures here in our higher education is very evident. We are becoming a very diverse state. I for one believe we need a lot of people with a lot of good ideas and people of other cultures to see things differently sometimes and their ideas for innovation, all that’s very positive. I just think we need a lot of voices at the table when the decisions are being made. 

Romanian Tribune: I understood that for so many years you served as a public servant and some might say that it is time to retire and to start to write a book, because there are so many memories you experienced, you accumulated. In stead, now you are embarking on a new challenge beginning the race to become a U.S. Senator. So on that topic, what do you think is the balance between educating our workforce to fill the high-tech jobs of tomorrow and revising some of the trade agreements that have taken many jobs out of the country, out of the American states?

Elaine Marshall: There has to be tremendous emphasis on upgrading the workforce and it rarely starts from early childhood education. It is very clear that the brain is developed in the first several years. So stimulating, nurturing education relative activities for children is very important to get them to develop their cognitive skills so they can be that high-tech workforce. We need to have a very high expectation for young people in school to do the best that they possibly can, for families to have emphasis on completing educations and getting that training. When you talk about loss of employment, many of the jobs that we’ve lost here in North Carolina have been in the manufacturing sector, but there were jobs which required a very strong back and not necessarily the high-tech skills with computers and research skills that we’re going to need for the future. Many of the labor intensive jobs are simply not going to come back and for a family to always think that somebody can get a job making furniture, making textiles without a high school education is really a false concept because those types of jobs are fewer and in the future they are going to be less.

The jobs of the future are going to be for people who have strong thinking skills strong computer skills, strong analytical skills, strong communication skills to be innovators to be entrepreneurs it’s a part of an entrepreneurial undertaking. I think manufacturing jobs are beginning to come back to North Carolina and they are specialized, they are high-tech type jobs, where the equipment used is fairly sophisticated, equipment that would not necessarily be set to some of the lower wage locations simply because of the need to protect the intellectual property or simply because it is so very expensive and it  needs a lot of maintenance or updating. But the work force needs to be well prepared for the new energy grid and just very forward thinking educational skills.     

Romanian Tribune: If you become a U.S. Senator, what committees would you be most interested to serve in, and in which do you believe you could have the best contribution?

Elaine Marshall:
As a financial regulator and having been through what the investment banks and Wall Street have done to the American economy, I believe that financial services and banking committee would be of great interest. Most people are seeing that their net worth is down in the last two years approximately a 1/4 of more, 25%-30%  so that’s a very unhappy situation. A lot of that can be laid at the feet of Wall Street. A part can be laid at the feet of the Federal Government and its relaxed regulations and just not enforcing those that are on the book. That has caused some of these serious dissipations of assets. Being on the financial services and banking committee would be number one and I have tremendous expertise. And the second committee I would chose would be related to the North Carolina’s economy certainly on services as we are a strong military state.  Although there have been base closings around the country, North Carolina’s bases have grown. So that’s a huge part of our state domestic growth and domestic product. The other would be agriculture. Agriculture and tourism are two leading industries, and - as a farm girl myself, I have a strong inclination for that committee and because of the needs of the state I think it’s important that the poeple of North Carolina would have a strong voice on agriculture.         

Romanian Tribune: With your background as an educator, what do you think could be done to get American children to be more competitive in math and science in the public school system?

Elaine Marshall: Number one, families need to encourage children in math and science. We, as an education system, need to stimulate and make meaningful activities to catch the attention of children in math and science. Having said that, we certainly need teachers who have a true passion for math and science to encourage young people to go into that area. Girls, in particular, need to have strong role models. They need to see other women who bring neat things in man’s science so that they can visualize that they might also do the same. We need to invest in our school equipment that will stimulate young people and give them an opportunity to do a little research as a high school student to do meaningful things. We need to clearly have stimulating activities for them in math and science in particularly.  

Romanian Tribune: We’ve heard much about sustainable development and alternative energy. As a U.S. Senator how would you help steer America towards a more sustainable future? And specifically how could you get North Carolina to be a leader in this field?

Elaine Marshall:
North Carolina is very well situated for solar and wind power. And I am very pleased that we now have experimental turbines out in the Pamlico and Albemarle Sound. We have a little edge going on from where we have started in that area. Every person can do their own beginning right now with energy conservation to wean us off of fossil fuels and move us to renewable energy sources. I’ll tell you some things that I have done; I take my own bags with me to the grocery store and have been for a long time. I just don’t like to have either paper or plastic. I’ve done some energy audits and closed some leaks. The up fitting I did was with the tanks and water heaters. So personally, I am trying to cut down on energy consumption. Each and every one of us can do lots of small things with weather proofing and insulation. As far as renewable energy, North Carolina, as an agricultural state is quite well-positioned for developing renewable energy sources and the research from our North Carolina State University and N.C. A & T University done with bio-mass and bio- fuels is innovative. But we really need more federal plans and assistance to be able to further the research and development that is going on in these areas. There’s really not going to be a one size fits all answer, we need to try different answers. One may then become a more dominant solution than others, but we need to be exploring lots of different avenues.    

Romanian Tribune:  It doesn’t matter if you are a president, or governor or secretary of state, you are affected by the trials like everyone else. When you face difficult situations, is there a book in your house that you would look to for inspiration and comfort and which book would that be?

Elaine Marshall: Certainly the Gospel, the Bible. I’ve been through plenty of trials just in the last year. I lost my father and in November I lost my husband. Certainly placing your trust and faith in the Lord everyday is very important, but in times of great stress there is comfort in the Bible. Other things I read are poetry books that are based upon Scripture and life-value learning situations. It’s important that you look beyond yourself for help in time of stress.   

Romanian Tribune:
Having seen your close connection over the years with our ethnic communities I feel safe to state that now when you are running for primary and then the senatorial election; you will have the support of most of the Romanians and the Moldovans from North Carolina. We know you as a person, as a friend, and we appreciate you and your passion for that part of the world. We’ll have a big gathering here in Chicago in just a few days and I wish you could be our guest to see a greater Romanian and Moldovan community here, - and you know our gatherings always end with great meals! Do you still recall some of the Moldovan/Romanian food you’ve tasted?

Elaine Marshall: I do not remember specific names of the dishes, but one on top of the list must certainly be the dish of meat wrapped in cabbage.  

Romanian Tribune:
Sarmale. You hit the target.

Elaine Marshall: Some of the shashliki. And I certainly love dessert and all the cakes you bake.

Romanian Tribune: Well, you have been very kind and spent a lot of time talking with us today. Would you like to say anything else in the closing of our interview?

Elaine Marshall: I really appreciate this opportunity. I hope people see that my passion for Moldova and Romania is very strong and my commitment is ongoing to assisting and facilitating projects which are meaningful to both Moldovans/Romanians and North Carolinians. For 10 years or longer it has been my great pleasure to meet several presidents and prime-ministers of Moldova and the ambassadors of the United States that have served in Chisinau and also the ambassadors from the Republic of Moldova that served here in America. I have found that people, whether they are elected as government people or folks who run orphanages or provide health care, just ordinary people, they all have been very warm and very kind and very proud of their heritage. They all have the same aspirations that North Carolinians do: and that is to have a good healthy life to be able to raise children and to educate them to turn the world over to them a little better than how they found it. 

Romanian Tribune: Thank you so much Ms. Marshall and we wish you success in your race. As I mentioned before, most of the Romanians and Moldovians living in North Carolina are supporting you and feel privileged to join hands in your efforts by offering their vote. May God bless you and the poeple of the State of North Carolina.

Elaine Marshall: Thank you very much, the election is right around the corner May 4th, right at spring time almost in North Carolina. I am looking forward to that election. I can continue to visit and get out seeing people and continue to work throughout North Carolina. Thank you for your support and may God bless your readers and our countries!

Cristina Sofronie & Adrian Ardelean -"Interviu cu violonistul Carmen Piculeata" Zig Zag din Canada
Adrian Ardelean -"Mariana Badoiu, Urmasa pe linie muzicala a Mariei Tanase traieste la Montreal" ziarul ZigZag din Canada

Razvan Dupleac -"Romana pe prima pagina a unei reviste canadiene de specialitate" ziarul ZigZag din Canada
 Codruta Oprea- "Interviu cu pictorita Alexandra Nechita" ziarul Gandacul de Colorado, USA

Marian Petruta -"In dialog cu directorul FBI Chicago" ziarul Gandacul de Colorado, USA

Dan Micu -"Gerry Avram alergatorul de cursa lunga" ziarul ACASA din Toronto, Canada
Dan Micu -"Gheorge Tigau sau nea Gica cum il stiu prietenii" ziarul ACASA din Toronto, Canada


Sebastian RUS -"Comunitatea romaneasca din Boston unita in jurul elevei Andreea N. din Romania- Radio Diaspora Online

Un caz medical ce parea fara iesire coaguleaza comunitatea romanesca din jurul Bostonului in jurul adolescentei Andrea Nemethi din Carei, judetul Satu Mare.
Diagnosticata acum 8 ani cu o tumoare la ochiul drept,Andreii nu i s-au mai dat multe sanse de a trai. Cand avea 4 ani ochiul drept al Andreei a inceput sa  se umfle fara sa dea urme ca ar putea sa dea inapoi si doctorul la care au dus-o parintii la acea vreme a dat un verdict implacabil:"Mai are trei saptamani de trait!"
De atunci au trecut opt ani si pe 25 mai 2010,Andrea a fost operata la unul din cele mai bune spitale din America -Mass Eye and Ear, Boston si are multe sanse de recuperare solida.Prima dintre operatii a urmarit inlaturarea tumorii uriase de pe partea dreapta a fetei care i-a impins ochiul inafara ;apoi urmeaza reconstituirea globului ocular si a partii de fata afectata.
Aceasta operatie se face cu sprijinul financiar al filantropistului Ray Tye si al comunitatii romanesti din jurul Bostonului.
In urma scrisorii trimise de profesoara de engleza a Andreii din Carei, managerul cabinetului medical al doctorului Aaron Fay ,Rose Shea a facut legatura intre familia elevei romance cu membrii ai comunitatii romanesti de pe langa Boston.
Astfel Camelia Rosca ,cercetator asociat la Boston College,s-a oferit sa-i gazduiasca pe Andrea si tatal ei pe perioada operatiei si a recuperarii postoperatorii ,iar doi romani inimosi ,Valentin Neacsu si Marcel Filimon, membri ai organizatiei locale Boston Romanian Professionals(BRP) au donat serviciile sitului www.andreainboston.com care functioneaza ca o interfata eficienta intre cei doi si cei interesati de cazul Andreii.
De asemenea un grup de doamne cu initiativa s-a mobilizat si a donat suma necesara achizionarii unui laptop pentru Andrea ca ea sa poata comunica cu cei dragi de acasa si sa-i tina la curent cu evenimentele.
Operatia efectuata de doctorul A.Fay si echipa sa a decurs normal si dupa spusele lui s-a realizat mai mult decat se spera.Specialistii condusi de Fay au reusit sa salveze vasele de sange si muschii din jurul ochiului Andreii.
Singurul regret al doctorului A.Fay este  ca nu a operat -o pe Andrea cu cativa ani in urma cand putea sa-i salveze ochiul si sa-i ofere o sansa mai buna de insanatosire.
Pentru filantropistul Ray Tye ajutorul dat Andreii este unul special pentru ca reprezinta un ultim omagiu adus persoanei sale post-mortem.
Ray Tye a facut milioane de dolari in comertul cu bauturi alcoolice si a facut donatii semnificative catre spitalele de copii din zona Bostonului ,platind pentru operatiile copiilor bolnavi. El a avut o sensibilitate deosebita fata de copii desfigurati de diferite maladii.

Yankeii din statul Arizona vor să deţină arme de foc fără permis

By Octavian Curpaş, Miorita USA editia online
Cunoscut ca un stat ce ţine la faima sa de parte a comunităţii pistolarilor din Vestul Sălbatic şi în care drepturile cetăţenilor sunt la mare preţ, Arizona relaxează legislaţia privind dreptul populaţiei de a deţine şi a purta arme. Pentru anul acesta de exemplu, legislatorii din Statul Marelui Canion au în plan peste o duzină de proiecte de lege privind extinderea dreptului populaţiei civile de a deţine şi a purta arme de foc şi arme albe.

Arme şi voturi

Conform acestor proiecte de lege, cetăţenii pot avea asupra lor armă fără a deţine permisul de portarmă – adică nu mai este necesar ca armele produse în Arizona să fie înregistrate -, iar cadrele didactice din învăţământul universitar sunt libere să fie înarmate în incinta campusului.

Deşi numărul acestor proiecte de lege nu este neobişnuit, susţinătorii dreptului la portarmă sunt de părere că anul acesta, cu un guvernator conservator – republicana Janice Brewer -, o legislaţie care le susţine cauza şi o mai mare libertate de exprimare, ar putea fi anul în care mai multe bariere să fie înlăturate. 2010 este, de asemenea, an electoral, iar dreptul de a deţine şi a purta armă a fost dintotdeauna element de greutate într-o platformă electorală populară în rândul conservatorilor. Dacă avem în vedere faptul că visul oricărui american este să aibă armă, nu este de mirare că politicienii nu au de gând să restricţioneze acest drept - aceasta şi pe motiv că nu doresc să piardă voturi. Este ştiut că orice îngrădire a libertăţilor cetăţenilor, inclusiv dreptul la portarmă aduce cu sine mai puţine voturi. În schimb, o legislaţie mai permisivă va atrage sufragiile unui mai mare număr de alegători.

Barack Obama nu vrea arme la populaţia civilă

Iată de ce anunţul făcut de Barack Obama în momentul instalării sale la Casa Albă, în care îşi exprima intenţia de a propune o lege prin care să restricţioneze accesul populaţiei la arme pentru a reduce rata criminalităţii, i-a determinat pe mulţi să se grăbească să achiziţioneze o armă. Teama oamenilor că ar fi posibil să nu se mai permită comercializarea armelor decât în anumite condiţii a făcut ca vânzările de arme de foc să crească în Statele Unite, de la momentul învestirii noului preşedinte.

Cu toate acestea, pentru prima dată în ultimii 70 de ani, Curtea Supremă americană a confirmat recent, că dreptul fiecărui cetăţean de a avea o armă este garantat de Constituţie. Potrivit celei mai înalte jurisdicţii a ţării, în numele siguranţei publice, acest drept este imposibil de a fi limitat.

Al doilea amendament

Coroborată cu istoria Statelor Unite, această decizie a Curţii Supreme americane are sens, dacă ne gândim că al doilea amendament din Constituţia Statelor Unite se referă la dreptul populaţiei de a deţine şi a purta arme ("The Right of the People To Keep and Bear Arms"). Potrivit acestui amendament, "o miliţie bine organizată fiind necesară securităţii unui stat liber, dreptul ca poporul să deţină şi să poarte arme nu va fi încălcat". De altfel, acest drept a fost solicitat la momentul punerii bazelor SUA, astfel că dacă guvernul ajungea să recurgă la oprimare, subjugare, abuzuri etc., populaţia ar fi avut posibilitatea de a se lupta cu stăpânirea şi a-şi face dreptate. Executivul era, astfel, restricţionat, pentru a nu comite abuzuri şi a nu subjuga populaţia după bunul său plac.

Acesta era, la început, unul din motivele pentru care americanii şi-au dorit arme. Se impune precizarea că în momentul de faţă, cu armamentul de care guvernul dispune, ideea ca populaţia să se lupte cu guvernul este deja perimată.

Locotenentul Eric Shuhandler – victimă a civililor înarmaţi

Revenind la situaţia din Arizona, doar nouă state au restricţii mai puţine decât Statul Marelui Canion privind portul de armă. O dată ce legislaţia va deveni şi aici, mai puţin restrictivă în această privinţă, există toate şansele ca indivizi certaţi cu legea sau criminali periculoşi să aibă asupra lor arme, în public. Din moment ce sunt accesibile, existând autorizarea generală, tot mai mulţi agresori îşi pot permite să se doteze legal cu arme de foc. În asemenea condiţii, există situaţii – şi nu puţine - când poliţiştii nu mai au timp să facă uz de armă.

Un exemplu în acest sens este cazul locotenentului de poliţie Eric Shuhandler, în vârstă de 42 de ani, de la Departamentul de Poliţie din Gilbert, asasinat recent în Gilbert, Arizona. Omul legii a fost împuşcat mortal în cap, de unul din cei doi bărbaţi aflaţi într-un autoturism pe care acesta îl trăsese pe dreapta, la intersecţia a două şosele principale de la graniţa dintre Gilbert şi Mesa. În urmărirea suspecţilor, care au fugit de la locul crimei, au pornit mai multe echipaje de poliţie din Phoenix, care au reuşit să îi prindă câteva minute mai târziu. Dacă civilii pun cu atâta uşurinţă mâna pe pistol, fără să îşi facă procese de conştiinţă, riscul de a practica profesia de poliţist - şi aşa foarte mare - creşte.

An armed society is a polite society

Şi pentru că întotdeauna părerile sunt împărţite, susţinătorii unei legislaţii mai relaxate privind dreptul cetăţenilor de a deţine şi a purta armă afirmă că "an armed society is a polite society". Cu alte cuvinte, dată ce ai asupra ta o armă, te poţi apăra de răufăcători până la sosirea echipajului de poliţie. În plus, infractorii nu îşi mai permit să îşi facă de cap, ştiind că pot da oricând peste un proprietar de pistol.

Dacă în Statele Unite sunt în circulaţie aproximativ 200 de milioane de arme de foc la 300 milioane de locuitori, pe bătrânul continent, finlandezii sunt în top în ceea ce priveşte armele deţinute de populaţia civilă, cu un procent de 69%. Lor le urmează elveţienii, 61%, suedezii, 40%, germanii, 36%, francezii, 34%, sârbii, 24% şi croaţii, 21%. În acest clasament, România se află pe ultimul loc în Europa, cu 1,1 deţinători de arme la suta de locuitori.

Port Arthur, 1996

În Australia, legea care prevede dreptul cetăţenilor de a deţine şi a purta armă a fost pusă la punct în 1996, când localitatea Port Arthur din Tasmania a fost teatrul unui incident armat în urma căruia 35 de persoane au fost ucise şi alte 18 rănite. Imediat după acest tragic eveniment, primul ministru John Howard a cerut guvernului să adopte Acordul Naţional privind Armele de Foc (National Agreement on Firearms). Astfel, s-a interzis a fi comercializate către populaţia civilă puştile şi pistoalele semiautomate de orice tip şi puştile cu încărcare manuală.

Americanii vor arme

Controlul armelor aflate la populaţia civilă rămâne şi pe mai departe una din preocupările majore la nivel internaţional. În special în Statele Unite, asasinatele şi masacrele tot mai numeroase produse într-o serie de state au făcut ca nemulţumirea populaţiei să crească. Rămâne de văzut dacă a nu purta armă la vedere, ci sub îmbrăcăminte – un drept de care numai poliţia s-a bucurat până acum - va avea ca rezultat reducerea agresivităţii şi a violenţei. Cert este un lucru - că societatea americană doreşte să deţină arme, indiferent că este vorba de arme de vânătoare ori de apărare.

Redactia ziarului Miorita USA -"Ciprian Rosu se afla intr-o morga din SUA de cinci saptamani"

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